As a human rights advocate, Larry deeply cares for people. He has dedicated his professional career defending the dignity of all persons regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, income, or any other status. He believes strongly that every family is worthy to receive parenting supports that empower them to raise children to their full potential and to love unconditionally.
To this end Larry has served Head Start families for 15 years in the capacity of senor management and executive director roles. “One of my greatest joys throughout my Head Start career was working with families in policy council,” affirms Larry. He found it incredibly rewarding to see parents, guardians, grandparents, or other caring family units dedicate themselves to advocacy and learning transparent governance practices.
Prior to coming to Head Start Larry worked on federally funded Ryan White grants that provide HIV care and treatment services to low-income people with HIV/AIDS who are uninsured or underserved. In this capacity Larry did outreach to high-risk population groups, conducting HIV testing and linking HIV positive persons to case management services.
Throughout the 1990’s Larry spent 10 years working oversees in Argentina, South America where he provided faith and hope to vulnerable families and children living in poverty and in need of spiritual resources.
Larry has had the privilege to serve on the Region 9 Head Start Association Board of Directors since 2017 and currently serves as the Treasurer on the Executive Team. Understanding the demanding work required to run a great Head Start program and with a strong passion to help Directors, Larry began consulting and organizational development coaching in 2019 helping them build strong leadership teams.
Following his graduate master’s program, he continues investing in his personal and professional development. Larry is a graduate of the UCLA Fellows Program, holds three professional certifications from the Certified Coaches Alliance, and a certificate from Cornell University in Change Management.
Married, he and his wife reside in Phoenix, Arizona along with their three adult children. Larry has four grandchildren under the age of three. “I loved parenting my children, but I never imagined the tender spot in my heart that grandchildren would fill with joy,” reveals Larry.
I have been to management workshops, not leadership training. This has totally changed my perspective and encouraged me to propel forward in developing my skills.
I am honored and humbled to be a recipient of the Region 9 Head Start Association’s Legacy Scholarship. The scholarship helped me get one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming a Head Start Director.
I took part in The disproportionate impact of COVID 19, and how to provide “real” support for black/brown children and families and I just want to say this was an amazing webinar. I hope we can look forward to further conversation on this topic.
Thank you so much for making events like this! I really enjoyed and learned so much teaching strategies to implement STEM in the classroom.
The HR Network was an excellent opportunity to network and learn the best practices from other HR professionals within Head Start programs. You will be amazed by the level of talent and experience of the participants.
The Summer Camp training was powerful and inspiring! Each presenter was very engaging, it’s hard to even pick a favorite session!
The Leadership Challenge training was very relevant to my work as a Head Start leader! Great facilitation; stayed with the program yet allowed time for individual and small group reflections.
Regular price $12.00
Regular price $39.00
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