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With over 200 agencies in Region 9, there are a significant number of individuals in leadership roles with a wide range of professional skills.  Frequently, these individuals are invited to attend training, institutes, and summits by associations, consultants, and vendors.  Infrequently, directors are invited to collaborate in a network opportunity that is designed to build skills, relationships, and solutions for themselves and their agencies.   New directors lack the connections to peers that are essential for success.  Similarly, experienced directors seek to be leveraged for insights and resources they have gained during their careers.

Connecting leadership, exploring current issues, looking beyond the immediate horizon is the objective of R9HSA’s Directors Exchange. We invite leadership voices from the Regional Office, NHSA, and other allies to breakdown the issues and create a space for discussion, sharing, and collaborating. Participation is limited to agency senior leaders. An advisory group develops the agenda and shares the work of facilitating virtual and in-person Exchanges.


The Directors Exchange meetings are designed to create a space for executive directors, directors, and deputy directors to regularly connect, learn new skills, and strategize over effective practices to advance their programs. Directors Exchange meetings will consist of three meetings per year.

The goal of the Directors Exchange meetings is to nurture relationships among new and experienced directors, create a safe and collaborative environment for professional growth, and gain strategies to build high-impact organizations. In addition, these meetings will allow participants the opportunity to tour other agencies, meet with selected trainers and nurture professional friendship in an atmosphere of confidentiality and trust.

Participation is limited to three attendees per agency, per session.


Virtual & In-Person


6/5/24 @ First 1,000 Days Conference in San Diego, CA

10/25/24 @ Family Engagement Conference in Honolulu, HI

March 2025 @ Early Childhood STEM Institute

Contact Lindsay at lknox@region9hsa.org for information regarding past meeting and for meeting notes.

Thank You to Our Sponsors


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Questions? Contact us at headstartr9@region9hsa.org.