October 21-25, 2024
The Family Engagement and Cultural Effectiveness Conference is designed to celebrate the different family and cultures, traditions, and practices that are reflected in the today’s family. In doing so, participants learn how to use the strengths and attributes of these family systems to aid a child’s own successful walk through the world.
Our conference theme this year is Strong Families, Strong Futures.
Successful Head Start and Early Head Start programs know the power of culture, enlisting families with shared values and goals for the development of their children and themselves. Deeply rooted in the Head Start approach is the goal of building a system that advocates for “self-determination” for parents. From participation in program governing to classroom volunteerism, from parenting education to emergency services, Head Start offers families a comprehensive system of support. The successful engagement of families is essential to establishing a love of learning and success.
“There is no need to deny the value of parent participation in educational programs, in classroom observations, or as paid employees. On the contrary, not only does research show that children do better when families are more involved, but some research suggests that preschool intervention can succeed only when parents are involved in the educational process.” Jeanette Valentine & Evan Stark, Project Head Start.
Since the inception of Head Start more than 55 years ago, family engagement has always been a pillar of the program. Underlying the Head Start focus on the whole child is the understanding that parents are the primary educators and advocates of their children. Moreover, when parents engage with their children, they not only improve the child’s happiness and success — but theirs as well. Family engagement is the pathway by which all our early education work is being achieved. Holding deep insights into culture is essential as we strive to enlist families in a manner that is respectful of their community strengths and cultural aspirations.
R9HSA’s Family Engagement and Cultural Effectiveness Conference is designed to elevate this wide-ranging agenda through thought leaders, practitioners, and advocates for high-quality and culturally responsive service. Please consult our schedule for trainings, events and activities taking place during our annual gathering in the beautiful state of Hawaii!
Interested in registering but don’t have a MyR9HSA account? Please email Melissa Sahagun.
This event offers 2 day pre-conference, 3 day conference with general sessions, breakout sessions, special events, and exhibit hall.
We will be offering sessions in-person and virtual via pre-recorded.
Prince Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu HI
October 21-25, 2024
I have been to management workshops, not leadership training. This has totally changed my perspective and encouraged me to propel forward in developing my skills.
I am honored and humbled to be a recipient of the Region 9 Head Start Association’s Legacy Scholarship. The scholarship helped me get one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming a Head Start Director.
I took part in The disproportionate impact of COVID 19, and how to provide “real” support for black/brown children and families and I just want to say this was an amazing webinar. I hope we can look forward to further conversation on this topic.
Thank you so much for making events like this! I really enjoyed and learned so much teaching strategies to implement STEM in the classroom.
The HR Network was an excellent opportunity to network and learn the best practices from other HR professionals within Head Start programs. You will be amazed by the level of talent and experience of the participants.
The Summer Camp training was powerful and inspiring! Each presenter was very engaging, it’s hard to even pick a favorite session!
The Leadership Challenge training was very relevant to my work as a Head Start leader! Great facilitation; stayed with the program yet allowed time for individual and small group reflections.
Regular price $12.00
Regular price $39.00
Questions? Contact us at headstartr9@region9hsa.org.